天 然


纯 净 • 美 味

Pure • Delicious
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Common Name:
Alaska Dungeness crab
Scientific Name:
Cancer magister

Alaska Dungeness crab is found along the western U.S. coast, primarily from Alaska. After being pre-cooked, this shellfish has a unique sweet taste, bright orange color and delicate flaky white meat. Dungeness crab can be used in different foods such as “Bifeng Style” deep-fried with a garlic coating.

Product Specifications:
average 2-3 pounds
whole cooked, leg clusters, pieces, sections, leg meat
Seasonal Availability:
frozen, year round
low fat, low calorie, high protein, rich in zinc, copper and other minerals
Flavor / Texture:
sweet taste, rich and delicate meat, white flake, suitable for seafood soups and salads
Learn More:
Alaska Dungeness Crab