天 然


纯 净 • 美 味

Pure • Delicious
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute
Common Name:
Alaska pollock roe/mentaiko/tarako
Scientific Name:
Theragra chalcogramma

Alaska pollock is also known as Mentaiko and comes from pure and natural, high-quality pollock. Its ruddy color, and slightly spicy taste are the essence of delicious, and simple to prepare. Pollock roe is tasty and can be eaten plain or combined with other many other foods. 

Product Specifications:
Tarako (salted roe), Barako (salted or spicy soft roe)
whole(in sac), loose
Seasonal Availability:
frozen, year round
high oil content, rich in natural omega-3 fatty acids
Flavor / Texture:
crisp and delicious
Learn More:
Alaska Pollock Roe